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              Masuku wa furīsōru-マスクはFREE SOUL             






THE FOURTH ELEMENT 2011 © ™ 2015di Cerutti Giovanni


(From a real story)

In a house located in the Cricklewood area, in London, four people meet to investigate the truth of three murders.
To maintain security that nothing
can slip out, three of the characters were nicknamed with a number.

One, Two and Three.

"One" is a psychologist- "Two" is an Italo/English former student of the police investigation and "Three" also him Italo/English is a college student of forensic and medical scientific in the UK. The fourth character is the writer of the story.
The purpose: to reveal the innocence of a certain Danilo Restivo, considered a serial killer and convicted of two murders, and it seems they're also trying to blame a third murder.
Danilo Restivo has always maintained his innocence!
What you will find while you advance in the study of these killings, not only that Danilo Restivo, is not a murder, but:

For every murder there it's a personal killer

Based on the evidence and the errors that arise during the investigations, carried out by various investigators British and Italian, it is discovered that not all the information or investigations "are correct."

The game: from the two country police forces, to try to find and to prove the argument and ignoring The fourth Element!
In its investigations "Two", investigating the depth of information, find other directions and guilt occasions of important organizations that have never been afraid to kill to silence witnesses.

At first was look as one work of the mafia, but near the final will reveal a surprise for everybody.
Discovering the long train of dead bodies or accidental deaths that will make very hard for the main investigator the young "Two" to find the right killer.
The reader will be invited to reflect, and ask to find out who:
"who could be the killers?"
Page after page, you will discover the
proved innocence of  Danilo Restivo. And the solution will be through:


Or better:



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                          Ollomont (2011) © Giovanni Cerutti


                         Ollomont  is a tale "Yaoi"

                 read the page Yaoi to know more.


It's tells the story of two teenagers who know each other from birth, where they discovered inadvertently, into the vortex of loving.
Everything starts softly, slowly, without realizing what was happening around them, and because of a half kiss, almost stolen by one of the protagonists, until their final feeling act.

Subject matter with great delicacy and with some funny situations.

The story is taken up by a true story, note how the author liked to describe the families of the two boys as modern families today, especially when the parents of one of the boy, find the empty box of condoms, he thinks that the son, had a girl in his room (but only the reader will discover that the situation was slightly different.) The parents toast to the lost virginity of their son, after all they are right.

A tale of teenagers in 1958, transferred to the days of 2009.



Maco and Zo (Marcello and Lorenzo) attend the same school and class. This year, they will have to pass final exams for high school.

Their aspirations, for both, limestone in the occupation of their parents,
Maco is studying to become teachers, while Zo is studying to become a good doctor. Together they prepare their homework to help each other as Maco is strong in the calculations while Zo is good in Italian.

Elena is a nice girl who is in the same class of Maco and Zo, however, she is the confidant of Zo, as Elena explains everything about sex to Zo, thinking that he was having an affair with a girl outside the classroom, but in fact Zo what he learns experiment with Maco. Only toward the end of the school, Elena understood the truth but in silence, she accepts that Zo is no longer for her, however she keeps the secret.

A strange triangle, Elena was  interested in Zo, Zo was interested in Maco, who was interested to read Romeo and Juliet. Maco without knowing, he was jealous of the friendship between Elena and Zo.

At the end, Maco asks for help from his grandfather to get out of this dilemma

Consequently, following the advice of his
grandfather, after telling his experience in a summer camps Ollomont, Maco gets together with Zo.

The story unfolds in beautiful scenery of the Genoa town, the Del Peralto Street with all its trees, Giovanni Costanzi Street, with a small glimpse of the Genovese landscape and Piazza De Ferrari.
Unlike some books "
Yaoi", this story will not end up tearing a few tears, but leaving a warm glow into the soul.

The story is accompanied by "virtual" musical themes: "Voglio vivere così", " In cerca di te" "Non dimenticar le mie parole" and " Quando nel viale ti vedo" "virtual" soundtrack of all tales.

Suggested to the young reader (14 y.old)  (Asia 12) .

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After the peace was made between the two boys with the result of knowing what it's, and how you make love, the two main characters find themselves in their tent camp in the camping of Arenzano's forest.
One day, Marcello accidentally found himself face to face with a twenty-two blond girl with a beautiful smile.
Marcello naturally remains dazzled by the extraordinary beauty, so that for the first time in his life, he tells a terrible lie, he states to be eighteen.
Lorenzo after a long discussion with Marcello, which shows his usual bad temper, finds himself alone in the tent.
Lorenzo goes searching for Marcello, trying to make him understand his mistake.
The night that Marcello entered the girl's tent, he confessed to her that he was fourteen.
The girl pushed
Marcello out of her tent followed by his clothes, and Marcello understands who was the beast in the dream and realizes that once again the damn beast win on him.

Once again, in the night, Lorenzo goes in search of Marcello.

In the morning the two boys while having breakfast together with the grandfather, the girl with her friend are at the end of their holiday, stops the car, greets Marcello and she explains the reason for her inability to be with him.
When the girl gets on the car, she and
Marcello have tears running down her face.

Below, in the depths of the girl's heart, there was a little feeling for Marcello?
Lorenzo once again helps
Marcello to get out of the "deadlock" of his life, says a phrase that make Marcello smile, a phrase that echoes the grandfather and all them burst into laughter.
But seriously Marcello put a ring to Lorenzo finger and  promise "Forever" to each other.

The story is accompanied by "virtual" musical themes:" Blu Moon" " Non ti scordar di me" ” Ma se ghe penso" ” il mio avviso" and " Quando nel viale ti vedo" "virtual" soundtrack of all stories.


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NOW EIGHTEEN    (yaoi-Gay)

"Willingly or not", like it or not, the boys go towards the eighteenth year, but before reaching the majority age, there are still situations to overcome, the first is the most difficult. A classmate asks Elena to go with him, but at her refusal makes him blackmails her.
If you don’t came with me, I will call Lorenzo’s parents and tell them that their son is gay"

Elena calls and explains what happened to Lorenzo, he was prepared for this possibility, but he is really gay? (A question, to be taken much into account). So he says to Elena to do what she thinks is best and not to worry, as no one will ever know who, will be is boyfriend.

Unfortunately, the bully schoolmate of Elena copies  the wrong  phone number and called by mistake the Marcello father, which was at having dinner along with Lorenzo and his parents, becomes agitated.

After the telephone call, Marcello's father "Giuseppe" started hitting for the first time Marcello so much as to make Antonio to go into rage. Lorenzo protects Marcello from his father's beatings, covers him with his body and confesses that he is the boyfriend of his son.

Lorenzo and Marcello are together in a new situation of "Deadlock” their second since they were born and followed by their loving friendship.
Giuseppe is angry with Antonio "
As you are Marcello’s doctor, why you did not tell me that my son is a homosexual"

And when Giuseppe said the situation to his father "Marcello’s grandfather", declares that he knew.

This leads
Giuseppe even more on a rampage "How is it possible, all Genoa knew that my son was a fag, the only one who did not know it was me!!"

Marcello Run away (characteristic of the family) and Lorenzo go along with Antonio,  to look for him in Del Peralto Street, Lorenzo knows where to find him, a storm knocks down a lot of rain, looks like a flood. Lorenzo asks his father, "Are you ready to accept who I am and what I feel? Are you ready to accept my relationship with Marcello? Otherwise I will disappear into the woods with him

However, the situation was calmed down thanks to the ability of Antonio.

And everything also was calmed down by the tenderness of Marcello, which evaluates his friends and enemies with the number of pardon.

Unfortunately for Marcello, his great ally, his grandfather went to the green pastures of heaven. This became a tragedy for him.
Lorenzo once again is beside Marcello, holds him up as always in solitude and pain.
The grandfather, in his will, has not forgotten the two boys, and leaves
the house and some money to Marcello and Lorenzo.

This leads Ugo, his cousin, to be angry, but then realizes at his age, he made enough money not to buy a car or a small humble home, but a villa.

Finally comes the age and Marcello has exhausted the thought of the blond girl, now Lorenzo and him are together in love for more than four years. So they decide to celebrate their eighteenth birthday, together in their house, inherited from his grandfather.

Marcello smiles and says to his parents, "Mom and Dad I love you so much, and I’d like to tell you, yes, I'm Gay and Lorenzo is my boyfriend.”

Finally, after so long, the truth at least revealed.

But another tragedy arrives that can break up their union, Marcello’s mother, Carla; was diagnosed with the approching "Alzheimer's" disease. Marcello breaks all the friendships, to stay close to his mother, but Lorenzo does not accept the interruption of their love, and again intervene….. 

The story is accompanied by "virtual" musical themes: "Fuxë de Zena" "Cucurrucucu Paloma", "Se piove o c'è il sole", "Boccadäse" and "Quando nel viale ti vedo" "virtual" soundtrack of all stories.


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Many years have gone from those good times together, Lorenzo is now a Doctor and Marcello teaches at high school, where he had studied. The students are no different from those of past years, no difference, or maybe they are freer to express themselves, and more open.

In fact, the couple of guys that have formed and declared in class are a number higher than at the time of Marcello.

Marcello, however, will have a number of issues to be addressed, starting with a new student, the son of an industrialist, tired of his father because he believes that with the money he can buy the world.

Another problem, a student who believes he contracted a disease through a sexual act with an adult woman; the mistake that Marcello has done was to send the boy to Lorenzo, who says to the boy, "it's nothing serious", but because both of them didn’t have reported the fact to the authorities, they were found in an initiate disciplinary proceedings against them.

Marcello's mother, who suffers from Alzheimer's, when she can leave the house (run away), she goes to the school to bring a snack to her child.
This suggests to
Marcello and Lorenzo, what will happen to them when they are old?
The only solution is to get married and have children. "
It is easy just to say that".

Lorenzo works in a hospital, where Elena is working too, he reveals the problem to her and the possible solution, Elena smiles and says "Finally it was time that you proposed."

Elena presents one friend to Marcello and the wedding date is decided.
Marriage was perfect and easy, the harder was the first wedding night, but we must not forget that
Elena is now a very good psychoanalyst, she found the right way.
In fact, that night, led to two beautiful children.

The son of Marcello is called "Tullio" like his grandfather, and Lorenzo’s son is called, "Marcello junior" dedicated to his greatest love.
Nice the sweet phrases from the two new daddies, "
look Tullio smiles" "yes and watch the little Marcello, ready to give him a kiss" "look Tullio, you think that he will run away" well, knowing their fathers, we can ask ourselves, ”The copy of the  story?”

The story is accompanied by "virtual" musical themes:  "Trilli Trilli ", " Creuza de Ma"," Trallalero Antigo" and "Quando nel viale ti vedo" "virtual" soundtrack of all stories.

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Lorenzo says goodbye to the head of the hospital, "I leave the hospital, but the family name “Vialardi” will continue in this hospital for the third generation" in this hospital. All doctors and nurses greet Dr. Lorenzo Vialardi who is retiring. His son embraced him, because he too work in that hospital.

Marcello is waiting Lorenzo outside the hospital, when Marcello sees him; he smiles and hugs Lorenzo as usual. Time has passed but his smile remained as always.
Well, now that you are withdrawn from the scene too, how about if we go to eat something?" "I reserved a table to celebrate by Roberto."
Well, more than a table for two, it was a long table with all the friends, or at least the few who were still left above the earth.

After a few years, Lorenzo fell ill, but before dying, he asked to be baptized and received the extreme unction (last rites)

Marcello fell into the greatest despair; there are no enough words from both children and grandchildren to comfort him.

After a few months, even Marcello walk away to reach Lorenzo in the green pastures of Heaven.

Lorenzo appeared to him on a black horse, like the knight of his dream, he was not anymore old, he was young as the first years of their love, even Marcello did not know, but he was no longer an old man. Lorenzo says, "Marcello, get on!"

Marcello gets on the horse as he did that day in his dream, meeting with his rider and asks him "Lorenzo, where are you taking me?" The movement of the horse is flapping his blond hair, the sun lights up the entire scenario and with his sweet smile Lorenzo replies "Do not worry, the former atheist Lorenzo will accompany the Christian Marcello to the Father's house ". The horse after his show of paws galloping toward the light, and then disappearing in the distance, as happened in the Del Peralto Street ...

But now what happens in Peralto Street ...

The story is accompanied by "virtual" musical themes: "Olidin Olidena (Le parole del gatto) " "I Bei Concerti" "La Porsea" "È  arrivato il Magnano" and "Quando nel viale ti vedo" "virtual" soundtrack of all tales.


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This story is hard to explain. It 's a story similar to the style of Pasolini and  Bertolucci and the only difference that is projected into the future.

The story starts and ends in a small village of the Ligurian Region of Italy.


The most important personalities, representatives of government, religious leaders of all religions, men of power which in summary are all those who are considered the "RIGHT” or "WRONG", come together, but everybody do not know why. 

As I said earlier all began in a small village in Liguria, where one of the main characters, is a simple parish priest, named Don Ugo. 

Throughout the world there is a great famine, for many years it didn’t rain, and all the important people or men of power, go to a meeting in an unknown part of the earth, but why? 

But, without knowing their direction, all these great personalities, they must pass tests

Of course, even the not powerful, that means, Don Ugo.

When everyone arrives here was the first surprise. An old medieval castle "Many trees and greenery around this big old castle", but how? Around the world there is no water, and there is vegetation in full activities. 

Another big surprise is when everybody have arrived into the castle, a large living room looks out of their eyes, the center's largest exhibition of fruits, vegetables, salad and corn of all kinds also included coffee beans. 

The head servant of the house, dressed in Roman times, receiving guests and considers all requests by answering their questions. Sometimes with surprising answers to the questions, offer and exposing the explanations to his answers. 

The Pope notes Don Ugo, who has a filthy tunic, saying that in that condition should not be into that room.

Meanwhile, there were many discussions about "what kind of proposal for the purchase of the patent law" and where all that water comes from? Is there any possibility to buy it?

But the question that all guests ask is, in which country is this castle “But if any one fails to buy the propriety, can it be confiscate?"

And the ending of the story, will be a big surprise! 


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Giovanni's OTHER BOOKS OF  


THE INVISIBLE FOREST (children's / fantasy)

Tutti i diritti riservati©2007 Cerutti G.™                                      


